Cost Engineering

COST COST - Cost Engineering
Interested in joining the community ? Before getting involved, I must choose my contribution : simple visitor, occasional participant in events, expert deeply concerned by the field (member) : which status to choose
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Expert Only
Subject to validation by the COMET coordinators
Just stay informed about the next COMET’s event

NEWS :  Centers of interest of the community  RESULTS

The third "ESA CNES Space Cost Engineering Conference" will be held on October 3 and 4 in Toulouse (Compans Hotel Mercure).

The program is now available on the conference website, at the following link:

We will be happy to share our knowledge in cost engineering: best practices, contribution of AI in estimates, changing spatial environment... Take advantage of registration at the “Early Bird” rate until July 21!

Do not hesitate to extend this invitation to those around you.

The COST engineering COMmunity OF ExperTs aims to bring French and European players in the field together in an informal and user-friendly way. With a perspective of innovation and creativity, the group aims to address the following topics:

  • Methodology for estimating project costs and pre-projects
  • New tools, databases and capitalization methods
  • Towards new approaches: Design to Cost, feedback from industrial approaches, costs and risk taking 


The group is co-animated by CNES and ESA. It regularly organizes events (working groups, visits, workshops and seminars, ...) in face-to-face and/or videoconferencing.

You will find the events already organized in the dedicated menu.

  • Michel VAN PELT Michel VAN PELT
    ESA Head of Cost Engineering Section
  • Jean Oswald Jean Oswald
    Ingéniérie des coûts et analyses économiques
  • Frédéric MOLL
    Expert estimation des coûts
    Expert Senior Politique Technique et Formation
  • 3 - 4 October 2024
    from 09H00 to 12H30
    Find out more

    Space Cost Engineering Conference

    COST - Cost Engineering
    • Hotel Mercure Compans-Caffarelli, Toulouse, France
    • Anglais
    • No videoconference
    • Public
  • 11 - 12 February 2019
    Find out more

    Space Cost Engineering Conference

    SYS - System Engineering
    Thank you for attending the Space Cost Engineering Conference organized by .ESA TEC-S(YC) and COMET COST, which took place 11 & 12 February 2019 at ESA/ESTEC Objectives of the conference: The Cost Engineering profession in the space domain is constantly evolving, needing to keep up with new tools and methods as well as the rapidly evolving space market, space systems and services that are the subject of our cost estimates. The conference is ...
    • ESA/ESTEC , Noordwijk, Netherlands
    • EN
    • No videoconference
    • Public