Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions

OPS OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
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  • Presentation of OCAI (The Operations Companion) by ESOC, an AI assistant to support decision making of flight control teams : visit this page

The OPS Community of Experts is aimed at users and operators of operational systems as well as all those who take part in their deployment.

This group’s activities are centred around sharing experience, thoughts and proposals in the field of operations of said systems to ensure that lessons learnt (feedback) contribute to the evolution of techniques and their acquisition, to the full consideration of the human factor, to compliance with safety rules, to improvement in the service provided, to operational security and to the optimisation of ownership costs.


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  • Gérard GALET Gérard GALET
    Expert Opérations - Innovation en opérations
  • Arthur Fostier Arthur Fostier
    community moderator
  • Charlène DURANTON Charlène DURANTON
    community moderator
  • 30 May 2024
    from 09H00 to 17H00
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    Le Facteur Humain

    OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
      Les COMET OPS (Opérations et Exploitation des missions Spatiales) et AIT (Assemblage, Intégration & Tests) proposent un atelier de réflexion sur la thématique du Facteur Humain dans nos métiers. Cette journée d’animation est prévue sur une journée, le Jeudi 30 Mai 2024, en présentiel dans la région toulousaine (lieu à définir). Cette thématique est particulièrement d’intérêt dans nos métiers car l’humain joue un rôle essentiel dans nos systèmes, qu’il soit opérateur ou ...
    • FR
    • No videoconference
    • Public
  • 29 June 2023
    from 10H00 to 12H00
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    OCAI: The Operations Companion to support decision making of flight control teams

    OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
    As everywhere in our daily life, more and more virtual assistants are very helpful in particular due to the ever-increasing evolution of the complexity of systems and the fragmentation of the data produced. This is obviously the case in our operational control centers and yet few software applications in the domain are currently available and this therefore remains a major and priority innovation to be made in the near future. ESOC, ...
    • EN
    • Accessible by videoconference
    • Public